The Inclusive Awareness Deck

This deck of cards is the end product of my road of bringing in Inclusion into the design process of the Design Agency that I worked at. The deck is part of the Inclusive awareness session, which is a workshop that helps creative teams focus on differ

Check the cards
About the inclusive awareness session

Your website should be inclusive of, and accessible to, as many people as possible. This essential tool for Webflow users contains guidelines derived from WCAG, including how to implement them with no and low-code solutions.

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View the online workshop template

During the period with the Covid crisis around us, remote work has been normalised a lot more often. This means that facilitating remote workshops is also more common than physical ones. That's why we use Miro to facilitate the remote inclusive awareness sessions when needed.

View Miro

Origin card

Does not speak the native language


Ability card

Is getting increasingly demented

Physical health

Identity card

Is a senior

Demographic Age

Ability card

Has a visual impairment

Physical health

Origin card

Did not have the opportunity to go to school

Social economic status

Origin card

Does not have a smartphone

Tech literacy